Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Msc IT Project Proposal - Title to be decided Thesis

Msc IT Project Proposal - Title to be decided - Thesis Example Current paper focuses on the methods used by a firm that operates in a specific industry, this of the martial arts, in order to improve its communication with its customers and therefore increase its performance. The firm under examination is a Judo club which is not well established in the market; it has entered the market rather recently – one year ago – and it seeks to increase its performance by improving its communication with its customers. It can be assumed therefore that the resources available for the achievement of the above targets will be limited. The chances for the achievement of the relevant plan will be explored and analyzed using a series of appropriately customized research methods. As already noticed above, the firm’s resources that are available for the realization of the relevant project – development of a communication website – are limited. The short presence of the firm in the market could be regarded as the main reason for the lack of necessary resources; however, there are firms that are developed quite quickly even if they operate for a short period within a particular market – this is the case of firms that use all resources available – referring not to the internal resources but also to the external ones, e.g. the funding options available in a specific market. It seems that the specific firm didn’t manage to ‘gain’ the support of the market until now (probably because no appropriate research was made to this direction). For this reason, it is necessary that all available resources of the firm will be employed in the particular effort trying to ensure the increase of its competitiveness within th e particular industry. Currently, the systems available for the completion of the specific project – communication website – are rather limited. The firm’s operation is based on a simple IT network consisting from 3 desktops that communicate through an

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